Dear Customers,
In line with the recent Government Policy update and to protect the health & safety of our customers and staff, our Debonair Formal Hire store is now open for business.
Please do feel free to contact us on 01242 575 007. You also email/send message to us with any queries you may have to book an appointment or in regards to suit collections, purchases, we are here to help.
You may contact us through our website Contact Page or our Facebook page.
We will keep sharing suit inspirations over the coming weeks, even though we appreciate plans may have changed or been put on hold, let’s stay connected through this time.
We thank you all for your support and look forward to seeing you again in our store.
Just we want to underline again:
- Those displaying symptoms (feeling unwell, mild cough or low-grade fever of 37.3 C or more) seek medical advice and do not attend the appointments in the shop. Please call us to rearrange appointments and follow advice from medical professionals on when you are able rearrange appointments to.
- Those who have returned from an area where COVID-19 is spreading do not attend their appointments in the shop. Please call us to rearrange appointments for 14 days after return to the UK. If in this time period symptoms start to develop please follow the step above.
We understand that this may impact on your plans, however we feel that we do need to take some precautions as we have members of staff and a number of clients that visit the shop that would be at increased risk. To further ensure our staff and client safety we would like to highlight the continued availability of Free Gloves and Masc, hand sanitizing stations, Screen Protection and Social Distancing in our shop.
We will see only 2 people at a time of appointment to keep in line with health safety advice from Government.
We will continue to monitor the situation and follow direction given by the government and will take whatever action is necessary to protect the health of our customers and our team.
Keep Safe.
Sincerely yours, Debonair Menswear & Formal Hire.